Meet Dr Jazz Shirley (Chiropractor)
Why Chiropractic?
From a very young age Dr. Jazz always knew she wanted to help people and their animals but wasn’t sure on which career path was right for her. “When I was 11 I dislocated my shoulder in a horse riding accident, this took me tophysiotherapy and osteopathy, before I was lucky enough to finally land upon chiropractic” it impacted her so much, as soon as she was old enough she enrolled at the McTimoney College of Chiropractic.
Dr Jazz spend 4 years gaining her master’s degree and becoming a Doctor of Chiropractic. Alongside studying she worked as a sports therapist and found another interest in myofascial work which led her to become a Functional and Kinetic Training with Rehab (FAKTR) certified practitioner.
- Integrated Master’s Degree in Chiropractic
- PCAC in Animal Chiropractic
- Webster Technique Certification
- Hypnobirthing Instructor
- Trained with world class chiropractors
- International Chiropractic Pediatric Association member
- Speaker for chiropractic philosophy nights
- Years working as a myofascial specialist
- Additional training in Scoliosis & Cranial Work
- Passion for paediatrics and pregnancy
- Personally coached by one of the USA’s leading chiropractors
- GCC and UCA registered
Outside of the Centre
Jazz is a keen animal lover, who spends her free time with her horses, dogs and cats. She loves to travel as much as she can and loves to find new places to hike with her family and dogs.