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Antenatal Courses

shoes for babyI’m Dr Lou, I am a Chiropractor with a special interest in empowering women through the birthing process. I decided to do this as in my client base of pregnancy and paediatrics there was a recurrent theme that women weren’t feeling empowered through their pregnancy. In my opinion you should be fully informed in your choices and what to expect through a magical process. My aim is for you to leave feeling confident and empowered. This course is open to women but I would also encourage you to bring your birthing partner if you wish. Now down to the nitty gritty of what we will be covering!

Class one- The Sciency Bit & Hypnosis

  • Introduction
  • How labour begins
  • How the uterus work
  • Why is labour painful
  • Wave breathing
  • Hormones and labour: why endorphins are your new best friend! How to use language
  • Hypnosis/trance
  • The brain and labour
  • Affirmations
  • Release and learn technique
  • The calm birth breathing techniques

Class 2- Visualisation & Your Birthing Environment

  • Visualisation
  • The importance of your birthing environment
  • Choosing where to have your baby and local knowledge
  • Who is going to be in the room with you – Your Dream Birthing Team Getting specific
  • The birth companions role
  • Birth preferences

Class 3- Physical and Emotional

  • Physical and emotional preparation
  • Gentle exercise
  • Pelvic floor
  • Perineal massage
  • Bonding with baby
  • EDD
  • Introduction to labour
  • Natural induction methods
  • Special circumstances
  • How to deal with distractions (Light Touch Massage/Dial down method

Class 4- Early Stages of Labour

  • Early labour & the sevens signs of labour
  • Birth positions
  • What labour feels like
  • Labouring at home: when to leave and what to do on the journey
  • What happens when you arrive at the hospital; if you choose that route! What to do if labour slows down or rests
  • Working with the care provider
  • BRAIN & language that might be used Birthing phase (the poo bit!)
  • Birthing team
  • Transition and crowning
  • Meeting baby
  • Cord and placenta
  • Skin to skin

Multiple resources will be provided throughout the classes. You will get access to the facebook group and a private group chat will be set up, so you can stay in contact with and get support from all the mums you meet on the course!

Our upcoming course dates:

Coming soon!

Results Align Chiropractic Antenatal Courses | 01235 538620